Deeply Human - Enneagram Workshop - Ninesight

Deeply Human

Cultivating Emotional Wisdom with the Enneagram

Your relationship with your own emotions determines almost every moment of the quality of your life.  

Inner emotional territory can be intense, vulnerable, or even overwhelming, and yet we typically find ourselves coping the way that we did when we were children. It doesn’t have to stay this way.

Are you ready to level-up?  

Would you like to be able to meet what arises and help it flow?

Emotions are essential for our well-being, however most of us struggle to effectively be with and work with our aversive emotions (sadness, fear, anger). We may over-identify with our feelings, or we may try to get away from them as quickly as possible. This has us miss out on their transformative potential. 

DEEPLY HUMAN is a 12-month journey in which you’ll learn practices to host your emotions consciously— with respect and care, but not indulgence. 

Using our three centers, we will learn to reach beyond our usual strategies to experience ourselves in fresh, generative ways! 

Have your emotions instead of letting them have you!

In this year-long intensive, you will:

  • Find the sweet spot of engaging emotions without bypass or overwhelm 
  • Discern the difference between real and “racket” emotions
  • Navigate difficult emotions from an objective and compassionate stance 
  • Understand obstacles to wholehearted living, and how to work with them
  • Transform emotional reactivity into clarity and healing 
  • Turn toward the parts of you that drive ineffective patterns so they can finally get what they need
  • Learn to intentionally contain energy, and to move energy so you’re not tossed about on the waves
  • Collect practices that you can use in daily life when the heat is on
  • Let your heart’s wisdom take its rightful place of leadership in your life

DEEPLY HUMAN is a course, a community, and a place where you can get the support and structure to do things that can be hard to do on your own. With fellow travelers, it can be easier to find the courage to engage with our difficult emotions.

This experience is not a casual online course focused on information. Its aim is supporting your transformation.  There is an expectation that you will aim to bring your best to yourself and others so you can get the very most out of the process.  This will be necessary for all participants so that there is enough safety and holding to facilitate our growth.

When we learn skillful ways to allow our emotions to move and point us toward what is most wanted and most meaningful, all kinds of things in our lives begin to transform.  

When we align with our deepest truth, our relationship with ourselves and with others can find new pathways, new hope where we used to feel dead ends.


We will have three one-hour meetings per month on Zoom, each with a main focus:

  1. Learning content and applying it with exercises 
  2. Integration of content, including Q&A, discussion and breakouts 
  3. Intensive application – two people have the “hot seat” and work directly with Sarah.  Others witness and track their individual themes and intentions for practicing.

Meetings may also include meditations, guided practice, partner exercises, etc.

In addition, each month you will:

  • Receive one additional teaching (video, audio, written) from Sarah 
  • Meet with your learning partner at least twice (typically 30-60 mins)
  • Engage in community sharing/discussion (you will lead this at least one month)

Sarah will join you and your learning partner on Zoom to discuss your journey with one another once during the cycle.

Time commitment will be a minimum of about 2-3 hours per week. 

Our weeks will generally flow as follows:

A – Meeting with Sarah for teaching, exercises, deepening opportunities. 

     Daily application/practice on your own

B – Additional teaching from Sarah supporting your practice

     Meet with learning partner to apply learning and practice skills 

     Daily application/practice on your own

C – Meeting with Sarah for Q&A, integration and application of learning  

     Daily application/practice on your own

D – Meeting with Sarah for intensive, guided exploration (hot seats)

     Meet with learning partner to apply learning and practice skills

     Daily application/practice on your own

Group size will be limited for the best learning environment.  

Three Tuesdays per month 4-5pm Pacific Time

Twelve months – June 2023 to May 2024

$2400 (your monthly cost = a bit more than 1 therapy session per month)


Planned dates:

June 6, 13 &20

June 27, July 11 & 18 (due to July 4 holiday)

August 1, 8 & 15

September 5, 12 & 26

October 3, 10 & 17

November 7, 14 & 21

December 5, 12 & 19

January 9, 16 & 23

February 6, 13 & 27

March 5, 12 & 19

April 2, 9 & 16

May 7, 14 & 21

  • You will be given as much notice as possible if dates need to change.
  • Monthly payment plan available if needed.
  • Possible in-person retreat(s) may be added if there is enough interest for additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deeply Human

Folks can apply to be members, and those who seem ready will book an initial conversation with Sarah to make sure it’s a good fit in both directions.  

We really want high-caliber participants who are committed and willing to engage so that everyone has the best experience and outcomes possible.  Total membership will be limited to 8-10 participants.

The time and attention you are able to invest will directly influence the level of benefit you receive from this process.  That said, aside from the monthly group meetings and at least one monthly 30-60 minute meeting with your learning partner, the time commitment is flexible.  Many of the suggested exercises can be done in the ordinary course of daily living.  You can expect at least 2-3 hours per week for best engagement.

The format of this group will be online. Our meetings will be held live and recordings will be available for revisiting the teaching content. Additional video teachings between meetings will be emailed to you.  

Meetings with your learning partners are scheduled at mutually workable times. While there is not a strict time requirement, folks will benefit most from this group when committed to working with their themes between meetings.  Where attention goes, energy follows.

If there is sincere interest by participants in including an in-person/retreat component, this may be added at additional cost.

There are special and robust benefits to learning in a group setting.  While not everyone is personally comfortable in groups, almost everyone who participates  in my groups reports rich and rewarding learning from engaging in learning in the context of community.  

Here are some of the unique supports of group learning:

  • Enneagram learning is very well suited to group settings, seeing how we are similar and different from the other eight enneatypes.  
  • What others are learning can illuminate our own themes in fresh ways.
  • Others’ journeys give us more compassion for others in our lives who see the world differently than we do.  
  • Group members can be outstanding resources and ambassadors for one another in learning about other types.
  • Groups can bring out different reactions in ourselves and new self-awareness, reflecting to us aspects of ourselves we can keep hidden or controlled in one-to-one settings.  
  • Group participation is the most affordable way to work with me directly.  Hourly, it is a radical discount from my rate for one-on-one work.
  • Safe, caring, conscious groups can be an ideal place to practice doing things differently.  If our buttons get pushed, it can actually be a helpful thing if we’re interested in developing into more resilient and capable human beings.
  • Perhaps most importantly, it is priceless to have fellow travelers, or “soul friends” on the journey who care about personal development, who are passionate about the Enneagram, and who co-create a field in which we can keep ourselves awake, accountable and compassionate.  
  • Community helps create a vehicle for our growth-  a supportive place to renew and refresh our insights and to cross-pollinate our perspectives.

All this said, if you have significant unresolved traumas, active deep grief or behaviors that interrupt your being present and engaged (addictions, impulse control, emotional dysregulation, etc.), you will likely want to address these first so that you can get the full benefit from the group.  In cases like these, regular individual work and/or in-depth in-person programs may be a more appropriate support.

The cost for this year of rich teaching, community and structure is $2400, a bit more than the cost of one monthly individual therapy session, with many more added benefits.

If it is important for you to spread out payments, it is possible set up a monthly auto payment which includes an additional charge of $10/month.  

You might also ask yourself the question:  what is the “life cost” or emotional cost of not engaging this experience?  What would more ease, awareness, wisdom and skill be worth to you?

You always have the choice about whether and to what degree you engage in the opportunities offered.  However, if you are unwilling to take appropriate-for-you risks, your learning will be limited.  The nature of this work can include vulnerable and challenging moments.  That’s often where the threshold of change is felt and where transformation can happen.  

Before committing, you and I will have a screening conversation about what the program involves and whether you are well-supported and ready to join in at this time. 

While there is no guarantee of particular outcomes in this group, if you are truly not benefitting from this program, we can discuss your leaving and a partial refund.

If you’re not sure if you’re ready for doing significant, direct personal work in a group setting, you may want to start with my six month group:  Capacity – A Group for Enneagram Enthusiasts Ready to Walk the Talk which lays a great foundation for working with your type and learning from others’ journeys.

* If you have significant unresolved traumas, active deep grief or behaviors that interrupt your being present and engaged (addictions, impulse control, emotional dysregulation, etc.), you will likely want to address these first so that you can get the full benefit from the group.  In cases like these, regular individual work and/or in-depth in-person programs may be a more appropriate support.

Email me at with your interest and I will send you application information.

No payment is required until you are accepted.