Transformational Enneagram Coaching

Are You Ready for Change?
- Do you want to transform the disconnection and conflict in your relationships?
- Are you ready to shift your self-limiting thoughts, feelings and actions?
- Are you at a place where your default approach is clearly not getting you the results you desire?
- Are you “high functioning” but dissatisfied and unhappy at a soul level?
- Do you want to live a more authentic and meaningful life?
- Are you curious why others seem to be able to do with ease what’s so difficult for you?
Transformational Coaching with the Enneagram can help you with these longings and more.
If any of these dilemmas are true for you, you are not alone. Many smart, self-aware, and successful people are challenged in these areas. As much as we’d like it to be, the desire to change is often not enough.
Your difficulties have to do with the deeper structure of your Enneagram type, and what resources it inadvertently keeps you away from.
A seasoned guide can help you navigate this rich, sometimes confounding, territory
Invest in Yourself
I’m committed to helping you get traction with your deeper architecture so you can free up energy and transform to your next level of effectiveness and satisfaction.
Using the wisdom of the Enneagram, we can understand what’s in the way of operating from the best in you.

The Enneagram and Transformation
Unlike typical counseling or coaching, working with the Enneagram allows us to loosen things up in our deep structure to create change on a foundational level.
The Enneagram can provide us with many profound “A-ha!” moments. Its insights can bring a sense of relief, understanding, and compassion. Knowing the Enneagram can help us not take ourselves so seriously and not take others’ behaviors so personally.
If there is a pattern you really want to change, it often takes focus and dedication. In the case of deep, structural change, like with the beliefs and patterns embedded in our Enneagram types, most of us can only go so far by ourselves.
Receiving the Enneagram’s wisdom can be illuminating. But understanding how to integrate and apply it can be tricky. This is because it’s hard to work on your own engine when you’re buckled into the driver’s seat too.
Support For Your Path
I combine deep understanding with powerful methods to help you dissolve inner obstacles and develop the ability to meet life with creativity and resourcefulness.
My style is compassionate, empowering and attentive. Together, my open heart, analytical mind and intuition hold a balanced and holistic view of your life and your hopes. I listen deeply to what you are wanting, and tailor our work to address the core issues that will make a real difference in your life.
I love working with people ready to take the steps to live the lives their souls are longing for.
I also enjoy working with other Enneagram professionals to support their personal and professional development.

Time To Act
If your default programming were to stay in the driver’s seat of your life, how might things be for you in two years? Similar? Worse?
If that sounds intolerable, you can do something about it.
You can reclaim yourself as the authentic, connected, self-possessed, and free human being you are meant to be.
Reconnect with your true self, with your purpose, and with those you care about through Transformational Coaching.
At the moment, I have a waitlist for 1:1 coaching clients, but would love to have you on my email list (sign up below) to keep you informed about resources, courses, and all other upcoming events.