The 9 Enneatypes

If you are new to the Enneagram, it is important to understand that it is not always straightforward to identify one’s type.  We can be blind to what motivates us, and tests are often ineffective at distilling what drives our behavior.  I do recommend the following test as a starting place in the discovery process:  The Essential Enneagram Test in online or in book form.

In other personality type systems, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and others, answering questions on the test about your behavior and feelings can tell you where you sit on a binary spectrum.  Unfortunately, the Enneagram typically requires more inner scrutiny and reflection.  This discovery process can sometimes be uncomfortable, because we want to understand who we are and what we can do with it.  And striving to be radically honest about what’s at the core of our “way” can also be a very rich and rewarding process.

The descriptions below are condensed pictures of the nine different energies that we all have access to in our human-ness.  One of these is our “home base,” the point of view we default to.

The celebrity examples below are not claiming to be accurate for or validated by the individuals listed.  They are included to help give a sense of the archetypal energy of the types.  The cultures listed are similarly generic, debatable, and meant to give a taste of an ethos rather than a deep description of those cultures.  

Enneatype One

Bald Eagle representing Enneatype 1

Names:  Reformer, Perfectionist, Critic

World view:  In the world there is right and wrong, good and bad.  It’s important to be good and do the right thing.

Self image:  I’m a responsible, hard working person who strives for improvement.

Focus of attention:  Right and wrong, good and bad, details, excellence, ethics, error

Typical assets:  High standards (technical and moral), good at big picture and fine details, eager to improve self and systems, clear and conscientious

Typical struggles:  Resentment of others’ “lesser” standards, extreme expectations lead to overwork, inner critic is harsh and unrelenting, hyper-responsible

Avoidance:  Being wrong or bad

Paradox:  My critical stance can push others away, when I really want acceptance

Transformation:  Seeing that there is a greater perfection that includes all our imperfections.  All our quirks are good and necessary in the big plan.

Archetypes:  Teacher, preacher, activist, pioneer

Cultures:  Swiss, Puritan, Japanese

Celebrities:  Hillary Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Ralph Nader, Confucius, Judge Judy

Enneatype Two

Woman holding red heart representing Enneatype 2

Names:  Giver, Helper, Mentor

World view:   People need my help and support and I need their approval and love.

Self image:  I am a caring person who helps others reach their potential

Focus of attention:  Others’ needs, supporting and serving others, giving to get

Typical assets:   Generates good feelings, supportive of others, generous, kind

Typical struggles:   Overfocus on relationships, neglects personal goals or group tasks, avoids conflict to avoid disapproval

Avoidance:  Knowing their own needs, others’ disapproval

Paradox:   I don’t let others know my needs, but still want them to meet them.

Transformation:  Knowing that relationship is a natural exchange of give and take, not something to be manipulated.

Archetypes:  Mother, altruist, friend, martyr

Cultures:  Italian

Celebrities:   Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu,  Princess Diana, Florence Nightingale

Enneatype Three

Archery target and arrows representing Enneatype 3 on blue sky

Names:   Performer, Achiever, Doer

World view:   The world is a contest and I can win if I work hard.  The world values a winner

Self image:   I am a competent “can do” person

Focus of attention:   Getting the job done efficiently.  Goals, results, tasks

Typical assets:   Inspiring leadership, ambition, energy, confidence

Typical struggles:   Over-emphasizing activity and efficiency, substituting success for feelings, neglecting to solicit input from others

Avoidance:   Failure, losing face, anything that distracts from the goal

Paradox:  My skill at delivering a good image leaves me feeling not valued for who I am

Transformation:  Knowing that I am valuable for who I am, regardless of what I do

Archetypes:   Icon, star, leader

Cultures:   USA, South Korea, Hong Kong

Celebrities:  Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, Elvis Presley, Michael Jordan

Enneatype Four

Paintography. Double exposure of an attractive male model combined with hand drawn ink paintings with colorful overlapping brushstroke texture representing Enneatype 4

Names:  Individualist, Romantic, Innovator

World view:  We’re here to plumb the depths of authentic feeling

Self image:  I’m a unique, sensitive person who understands the deeper meaning of life

Focus of attention:  Creating something special and unique, noticing what’s missing

Typical assets:  Creative flair, innovation, passionate idealism, empathy

Typical struggles:  Feeling I don’t belong or am not appreciated for what I bring, discouraged by others’ “shallowness,” emotional intensity is hard for others

Avoidance:  The commonplace, ordinary or mundane

Paradox:  I disrupt the connection I want by focusing on what’s missing or who’s rejecting

Transformation:  Realizing that my ordinary self is intrinsically special and connected to everything

Archetypes:  Artist, drama queen/king, designer

Cultures:  French

Celebrities:  Johnny Depp, Vincent Van Gogh, Angelina Jolie, James Dean, Prince Charles, Jackie Onassis

Enneatype Five

The little owl representing Enneatype 5

Names:  Observer, Thinker

World view:  Life is imposing and complex and understanding the complexity gives me a sense of safety

Self image:  I’m a perceptive person who knows how things work

Focus of attention:  Seeking understanding, defending personal space, facts and data

Typical assets:  Calm in crisis, non-intrusive, thoughtful analysis

Typical struggles:  Feeling overwhelmed by others’ demands, withdrawal is seen by others as rejection, protective of personal energy/resources

Avoidance:  Intrusive, demanding situations, strong feelings, relying on others

Paradox:  I miss out on key experience and information by disconnecting from feelings

Transformation:  Realizing that I am connected to a greater source.  I don’t need to defend my boundaries.

Archetypes:  Academic, philosopher, expert

Cultures:  Swedish

Celebrities:  Bill Gates, Buddha, Georgia O’Keefe, Marie Curie, Alfred Hitchcock

Enneatype Six

Fire fighting representing Enneatype 6

Names:  Loyal Skeptic, Devil’s Advocate, Questioner, Guardian, Hero

World view:  The world is unsafe and unsupportive, truth is hidden, appearances suspect.  We all need trustworthy allies

Self image:  I’m realistic.  I probe until I find the trouble.  I see things others don’t.

Focus of attention:  Checking for congruence, seeking certainty, discovering hidden dangers/pitfalls

Typical assets:  Troubleshooting, detectives, loyalty, team player, forethought, insight

Typical struggles:  Magnifying worst-case scenarios.  Others see me as a wet-blanket when I feel I’m taking reasonable precaution. Doubting my own power/authority

Avoidance:  Feeling fear directly

Paradox:  Looking for downsides makes me insecure and untrusting

Transformation:  Relaxing into the support that is the foundation of all of life.

Archetypes:  Guardian, soldier/warrior, detective

Cultures:  German

Celebrities:  Meg Ryan, Malcolm X, Bruce Springsteen, Woody Allen, George HW Bush

Enneatype Seven

Blue Magic butterfly over water representing Enneatype 7

Names:  Enthusiast, Generalist, Epicure, Planner

World view:  The world is full of exciting possibilities, concepts and experiences.  I intend to explore as many as I can.

Self image:  I’m an up-beat renaissance person

Focus of attention:  Best-case scenarios, 0ptions, possibilities, and pleasure

Typical assets:  Enthusiastic, optimistic, inventive plans and ideas, charming, egalitarian style

Typical struggles:  Losing interest after project’s initial phase, impatient with limitations, unaware or uninterested in others‘ positions

Avoidance:  Pain, deprivation

Paradox:  By not wanting to miss out, I miss the good that comes from sticking with things

Transformation:  Realizing that it is limiting to only seek the positive. The fullness of experience can be richer than the “highs.”

Archetypes:  Peter Pan, entrepreneur, charmer, jester

Cultures:  Australian, Thai

Celebrities:  John F Kennedy, Whoopi Goldberg, Robin Williams, DaVinci, Brad Pitt

Enneatype Eight

Sumatrean tiger representing Enneatype 8

Names:  Protector, Boss, Challenger

World view:  The world is a battleground where the powerful take advantage of the innocent

Self image:  I am a powerful and just person who empowers and protects others.  What you see is what you get.

Focus of attention:  Power and control, justice/injustice.  Who has the power? Are they using it justly?

Typical assets:  Can make important things happen, zestful, forceful energy, directness, generosity

Typical struggles:  Impatient with deliberation, disrespectful of “weak” or incompetent leaders, pushing themselves too far

Avoidance:  Being weak, vulnerable, uncertain or dependent

Paradox:  By hiding my vulnerability, I make it hard to experience others’ support

Transformation:  Realizing that vulnerability is a strength, and that avoiding it makes me feel more harm-able

Archetypes:  Champion, king/queen, victor

Cultures:  Spanish, ancient Roman, oppressed cultures

Celebrities:  Martin Luther King Jr, Ernest Hemingway, Frank Sinatra, Joan Jett, Tony Soprano

Enneatype Nine

Smiling Woman Peace Handsign Representing Enneatype 9

Names:  Peacemaker, Mediator, Diplomat

World view:  Everything will work out if we stay calm, amiable and connected

Self image:  I’m easy going and low maintenance.  I don’t rock the boat

Focus of attention:  Others’ agendas and requests, comfort, harmony, and flow

Typical assets:  Flexibility, empathy, seeing things from many angles, steady, amiable presence

Typical struggles:  Difficulty with prioritizing, shuts down when conflict is with them, gets “foggy” when opinions are asked for

Avoidance:  Conflict, confrontation

Archetypes:  Sidekick, mystic

Paradox:  I act like “nobody special” which encourages others to see me this way

Cultures:  Canadian, Balinese, Indigenous cultures

Celebrities:  Walt Disney, Dalai Lama, Ronald Reagan, Jennifer Aniston, Dave Matthews

I have learned the Enneagram from many teachers, and specifically want to thank the following for their contributions to my understanding the essentials of the types:  Vision Point Associates, David Daniels, Helen Palmer, Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Sandra Maitri, Tom Condon and Richard Rohr.