Three Keys for Inner Work (Part 1)

As powerful as it can be to learn about your enneatype, it can be confounding to know how to do things differently.  While the promise of the Enneagram is great in opening doors beyond “who we take ourselves to be,” the path of transformation is at least paradoxical, and can be downright grueling. At first […]

Your Relationship Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone close up

It’s all about you, but it’s not personal. The quality of our relationships can determine so much for us.  Whether we feel appreciated, respected, content, enlivened and safe— or whether we don’t— can make or break our experience.  Even those among us who act aloof, or appear persistently happy, are still highly organized by our […]

Enneatype as Hammer:  Are You Overusing Your Strengths?

Enneatype as a hammer (hammer image)

Perhaps you have heard the saying, “When you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail.” Do you notice that people in your life tend to take a similar approach toward really different situations?  Like your friend who treats every interaction as a potential self-promotion opportunity?  We all do something like this, […]

Ego YES, Ego NO: The Push-Pull of Type Identification

“Cool!” “Yuck.” Many people who meet the Enneagram and discover their core point of view can find it a simultaneous affirmation and a punch in the gut.  It’s as though someone has held up a mirror to our core strategy for managing the world, and we both resonate and agree with the description, and feel […]

Avoiding Enneagram Faux Pas – 5 Ethics Essentials

Woman holding white vase

Have you ever had someone come up to you and tell you what they think your type is?  Are you more annoyed if they are right or if they are wrong? Every time I teach the Enneagram, I try to convey the importance of how we bring this potent learning into our lives.  I offer the […]